
Posts Tagged ‘Axiis’

WCAP Featured at Indy Flex User Group

February 25th, 2010 Comments off

WCAP was recently featured at the Indianapolis Adobe Flex User group as an example of Degrafa skinning. The Axiis Smith Chart was also highlighted. More information about this event can be found here:

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Smith Chart Enhancements for WCAP II

July 26th, 2009 Comments off


Progress is being made on the Smith Chart enhancement for WCAP.  It’s to the point of plotting in-impedances (blue) and out-impedances (red) for a transmission line.  Some work still needs to be done on the data input model as well as the hover-over data tips so that you can see the actual values when you mouse-over a point.

Smith Chart Enhancements for WCAP

July 8th, 2009 1 comment


Awhile back, we got a new feature request from ClearChannel for WCAP. They are currently having to copy/paste the transmission line analysis data from WCAP into another program in order to display it on a Smith Chart. I’ve been working with the Axiis data visualization open-source project to create a Smith Chart for them. Once completed, this functionality will be added to WCAP so that you’ll be able to visualize the transmission line data.